This seems to be a question I've only heard women ask, but if you don't ask, you are left to question alot of things that you probably shouldn't. It's about signing a unwritten contract that didn't come with the carfax. The start of the ending of what was once fun and stress free. First let's cover when you shouldn't discuss this....
*You shouldn't spring this question on someone you don't know on the behalf of a friend while that friend is present. Like really your asking for a smartass reply from a guy like me.
*You should not ask this to the guy you met at the bar. Why you ask; because neither of you are going to want to find a new bar to hang out just to avoid each other after he never calls you again...
*You might not want to ask a question like this first thing in the morning because the rest of the day will suck. Lol no really you're both going to wonder about that answer you did or didn't get.
What's the purpose of it if you do everything official? Why do you need the title that comes with being "official"? Learn to enjoy life the way it is and not the way everyone else wants it to be. Don't allow your friends to dictate what happiness should be for you but they should check your mood ring occasionally. I've witnessed relationships forced because of friends; (im guilty of it too) situations where there was clearly an understanding of what things would be....
So when when this question is brought up it should be brought up during a argument.... Sound pretty dumb doesn't it. It actually makes all the sense in the world. Your relationship is built on emotion, understanding, disagreements, respect and that other word..... What better time for all of those to be expressed truthfully then a argument? The time is exclusive (normally) and at a point that will make or break you, him or her. This is also something.that varies with age and wisdom. Do what comfortable to you. If your leasing relationships until you find the right one do you. Just make sure its genuine and you both have an understanding of.what things are and what's to come.
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